Purification of a Gene Lab

A Lab Kit Purchased from g-biosciences.jpg


  1. What is a gene?
  2. What type of enzyme is used to produce DNA fragments?
  3. What is the purpose of running DNA Standards in a gel?
  4. What was the purpose of running a gel at the beginning of this lab? 
  5. Observe the gel:         purification-of-a-gene-gel.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                   How many bands did you observe in lane 1?  Lane 2?  Lane 3? What is the size of each fragment? 
  6. What is the purpose of the gel pick?  gel-pick.jpg                                                    
  7. Why did you excise each fragment?   excised-gel.jpg        excised-fragment.jpg
  8. What are the three major purposes of the Gel Dissolving Buffer?  What is the chemical name of the buffer?                                                                                                                               gel-dissolving-buffer.jpg
  9. Why did you place the microtubes (with excised fragments) in a 65 degrees Celsius water bath after adding the Gel Dissolving Buffer to each sample?                                                                                                                                                                    water-bath.jpg
  10. What does the DNA Binding Resin contain?                                           binding-resin.jpg
  11. Why did you centrifuge each sample after adding the DNA Binding Resin?  What was in the supernatant?  What was in the pellet?  Which one did you save?  Why?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       microcentrifuge.jpg
  12. What is the purpose of the Resin Wash Buffer? Why did you centrifuge the samples after adding the Resin Wash Buffer to each microtube?  Did you save the supernatant or pellet?  Why?                                                                                                  resin-wash-buffer.jpg
  13. Why was it necessary to make sure all of the Resin Wash Buffer was removed from the sample?  (Reminder: You allowed the Resin Wash Buffer to evaporate)
  14. What is the purpose of the TE Buffer?  Why did you centrifuge your samples after adding the TE Buffer to each microtube?  Did you save the supernatant or pellet?  Why?
  15. Was your purification of each fragment successful?  Explain.

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