Friday, Jan 18: Students in periods 1 and 5 did not have class (shortened PRT class and Mrs. Annee was attending a professional meeting out of the building). Students in period 7 conducted research in preparation for “The Bioethics of GMOs” small group discussion on Tuesday.
Thursday, Jan 17: Students were introduced to “The Bioethics of GMOs: Miraclefoods or Frankenfoods?” small group discussion assignment and conducted research in the computer lab. Students in period 7 also completed and submitted their GM Foods lab to Mrs. Annee.
Wednesday, Jan 16: Students in periods 1 and 5 completed and submitted their GM Foods lab to Mrs. Annee.
Tuesday, Jan 15: Mrs. Annee showed a brief animation of PCR to review the concept of amplifying target sequences. Students predicted the results of lanes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 of the GM Foods lab gel prior to analyzing them. All students completed the Paper PCR activity and submitted it to Mrs. Annee.
Mon, Jan 14: Students in all classes loaded their GM Foods lab samples into gels and completed the paper PCR simulation. Students in periods 1 and 7 completed the Internet activity, “PCR, DNA Sequencing, and NCBI – What a BLAST!”