Mon, Apr 23 (Day 1): Students answered questions about Chromosome 16 and then Ms. Annee discussed the answers. Ms. Annee announced a 20 point quiz over the Chromosome 16 lab will take place Thursday, Apr 26.
Month: April 2018
Apr 16-20: DNA Barcoding & Chromosome 16
Fri, Apr 20 (Day 5): Students loaded, ran, and analyzed gels. Ms. Annee discussed the Chromosome 16 lab.
Thurs, Apr 19 (Day 4): Students ran PCR on their DNA.
Wed, Apr 18 (Day 3): Students began the Chromosome 16 lab by extracting DNA from their cheek cells.
Tues, Apr 17 (Day 2): Ms. Annee discussed DNA Barcoding and metacoding. Students watched an 8-min HHMI video about DNA metacoding.
Mon, Apr 16 (Day 1): Students prepared sushi DNA for shipment; Ms. Annee discussed the results of past sushi testing.
Apr 9-13: Spring Break
Apr 2-6: GMOs and Sushi
Fri, Apr 6: (Day 5): Students ran gels to determine whether or not they were successful extracting DNA and amplifying it from samples of sushi. Students also engaged in a 25-minute small group scored discussion about GM foods.
Thurs, Apr 5 (Day 4): Students in periods 3 and 5 prepared samples for electrophoresis and sequencing. Students in periods 1 and 7 performed PCR.
Wed, Apr 4 (Day 3; altered schedule): Students completed the extraction of DNA in the sushi samples. Students in periods 3 and 5 also performed PCR. Students completed the GM Mosquitoes activity.
Tues, Apr 3 (Day 2; delayed opening): Students continued working on the GM Mosquitoes activity.
Mon, Apr 2 (Day 1): Students began the sushi lab (prepping muscle samples for DNA extraction).